The Ministry of Hospitality welcomes parishioners and guests with a warm smile and a greeting, select parishioners to carry gifts during the offertory procession, collect the offering, provide information about the Church, and distribute bulletins after Saturday (5 pm) Mass and Sunday (8:30 am, 11 am, and 6 pm) Masses. The ministry recruits, trains and schedules greeters for Masses on Saturdays, Sundays and major feast days, as well as other special occasions or programs. This ministry also ensures that the requirements needed for each Mass or occasion are set-up and in place. New ministers, including teens 16 years of age or older, are always welcome to join!!
Toni Grier, 301-633-1558, [email protected]
Cynthia Mills, 301-459-6832, [email protected]
Pamela Holton, 202-617-7624, [email protected]