Mission: Presenting the Catholic faith to inquiring adults who are interested in becoming Catholic. Baptized Catholic adults requesting First Communion and Confirmation are also welcomed to attend.
Time: Wed. 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Usually beginning in September and continuing through Pentecost (minimum time).
Requirements for Volunteers: Desire to witness to your Catholic faith; study/prepare for sessions; facilitate discussions.
DESCRIPTION: For those seeking to enter the Catholic Church or to be confirmed in the church. RCIA presents an adult overview of our Catholic faith presented by members of our community, with opportunities for participants to ask ‘hard questions’ and discuss answers from an adult perspective. RCIA is the process that adults follow to become a Catholic Christian including receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and/or Confirmation. Community members who know someone searching for deeper meaning in their life or desiring to become a Catholic should personally invite and bring that person to the RCIA..
COORDINATOR: Deacon Steven Nash: (202)294-1069; [email protected]